Chris Briant WGSB AS Media Studies
Magazine Title
I conducted a survey for the title of my music magazine and collected the results using a tally that is shown below. There are only 3 titles that stand out from the results, and these are "Divergent" "Orthodox" and "Mainstream". These three titles were the most popular of all the titles that were voted for. "Mainstream" gained 5 votes, "Divergent" gained 6 votes, and the most popular, "Orthodox" gained 10 votes.
The word mainstream links perfectly with the genre of music my music magazine is trying to represent, which is pop music. This is because pop music is mainstream, as it is the genre of music most people listen to. This would be a strong title to use, as it would effectively convey the genre of music that my magazine is about, and would send a clear message to the audience reading the magazine, what music it is talking about. However, the title itself is rather boring in my opinion at isn't striking to the audience. Although it gained 6 votes and was the second most popular title, I wont be choosing it as my music magazine's title.
The word divergent is striking and simple. The actual definition of the word is "tending to be different or develop in different directions." Now this is the opposite of the genre of music my magazine represents, as I am creating a pop magazine. However, the magazine itself is trying to be different than other pop magazines such as "Q" and "Billboard" so this title is appropriate to the magazine itself. I won't be using this title though, as the word divergent could create some confusion for my target audience who will be reading the magazine.
The word orthodox is conspicuous and catches the readers eyes, hence why it gained 10 votes. The definition of orthodox is "following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice". This effectively presents to the audience what my music magazine is about, which is pop music, as the generally accepted genre is the pop genre. This will help my magazine demonstrate clearly what genre of music it is referring to, which I believe is key to a magazine title. Like "Q" it implies that it is about music, and "Q" itself suggests a cue of the music. This, like my magazine title, sends a clear message to its target audience, which is what a title is designed to do. Due to "Orthodox" being my personal favourite title, and it gaining the most votes, I will be using it as the title of my music magazine, as I feel it is indicative of the pop genre of music.
After choosing my music magazine title, I needed to choose the font and design for my title and to do this I used the website "". This website allowed me to search through different fonts so I could choose the font for my magazine title. After some research I chose 4 fonts, these being "Snake Jacket" "Lemon Milk" "Durum Kebab" and "Devil Breeze". All of these fonts are shown below. All of these fonts were chosen because I believe they are all different and could be linked to pop music.
I liked this font, but not as a masthead, as the font itself isn't thick enough. This would make it look inconspicuous and boring which is not what the title of my magazine aims to do.
This is my favourite font, as I have never seen a music magazine with this font before. It is thick and will look prominent on the page, which is what I want the masthead of my music magazine to do.
This font is quite bland and would only work with a background that is dark. Due to me planning on using a light background, this font for the masthead won't work and therefore won't be chosen.
This font is similar to the first font "Devil Breeze" which was too thin for a masthead going across the top of a front cover. Although the design is more sophisticated, The font itself is too thin and isn't prominent enough to be the font I use for the masthead of my magazine.
Final Masthead Design