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Chris Briant WGSB AS Media Studies

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Double Page Spread Analysis

Casual picture expressing Ed as a normal man, who isn't too different from anyone. Ambiguous facial expression leaves interpretation open to the reader, which makes it more interesting. Clothing is casual like the style of the interview, but his hair is a bit wild, which links well with some of the things he says.

Large drops cap "I"  takes up seven lines, and illustrates where the start of the article is, so you can read from there. Its size and colour catches the readers eye.

Pull quote saying "I'm bringing ginger back!" which connotes how his hair is ginger. The red used for the colour of the word "ginger" is eye-catching and makes it seem important to the reader. Also, the exclamation mark used after the word "back!" helps to indicate to the reader that this is a significant statement being made.

The photo overlaps onto both pages, but Ed Sheeran and the text are separated which disjoins the two, but gives the article a more professional feel, as the layout isn't overwhelming. The pull-quote stays separate from the text, as the text is only partly what he says, but it is mainly an opinion on Ed, so it being separate helps to distinguish between the two.

Ed's name is written in an unorthodox style to the rest of the article, which helps it to stand out, which in turn makes him seem more important to the reader. The use of red also helps it to draw attention, so the reader knows exactly who the article is about.

Journalist's name written in same font as other text. It's been made bold to signify importance, but it is set aside from the artist due to the text size and the colour being the same as the rest of the text. This helps to keep the focus on Ed Sheeran.

A striking close-up studio shot of Adele, looking away from the camera, is used in this DPS, that suggests her music is fierce and powerful. A blank and mysterious facial expression makes Adele seem as if she's in deep thought, which links to her emotional music. The black and white colour scheme that has been used may represent an old fashion sense to the article, and connotes Adele's old fashion style as an artist. Her makeup is minimalistic to express that her music is about being real and different compared to a lot of artists. 

A huge drops cap "I" takes up 10 lines of the article, and signifies to the reader where the article officially starts. Its size draws the reader in as it is unmissable on the page, and the colour scheme matches the rest of the text on the page, to create a strong and distinctive DPS.

The photo used overlaps onto both pages, this may have been done to draw attention to Adele, so that at a glance the readers know what artist is being focused on in this article. The layout of the page is simple and underlines the old fashion feel to the page, as there aren't many visual devices used on the page. This helps to generate a straightforward view to the DPS so that the readers can easily read the article. The pull quote stays detached from the text so that the reader will be drawn in more.

The text is small and concise and displays a lot of information in a small number of words. This allows the reader to be able to take the information in quickly and attracts the readers' attention, as the size of the text means at a glance the reader can't properly read it. This should mean that people will wonder what is being written in the article and in turn, should mean more people read the article. The colour of the text is the opposite colour to the background which means that it is easy to read and won't put off any potential readers. You can also identify the pull quote from the main text because the size difference makes this clear.

© 2015 Chris Briant AS Media Studies

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