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Chris Briant WGSB AS Media Studies

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Target Audience - Questionnaire

To get proper views and opinions on music magazine, to be able to meet the criteria of my target audience, I created a questionnaire using a website called "SurveyMonkey" to depict what was crucial to a music magazine, and to help me understand a little bit more about my target audience. In my questionnaire, there were points used from conversations with individuals who I have spoken to who like pop music, and the UK Tribes websites information. This has overall helped me to compile a list of 10 questions so I can gather the relevant opinions and information to help me shape my music magazine. Overall I got

The 10 questions are listed below


1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you listen to music? (10 being highest)



2. What is your favourite genre of music?

Answers - Pop, Rock, R&B, Alternative, Rap, Hip-Hop, Soul, Electronic



3. How many hours of your week do you spend listening to music?

Answers - 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10+



4. How often do you buy music magazines?

Answers - More than once a week, Once a week, Once a month, Once every few months, Once a year, Never



5. What music magazine out of these are you most likely to buy?

Answers - Q, Rolling Stone, Billboard, NME, Kerrang, Vibe, Mojo, Other (please specify)



6. What is your favourite part of the music magazines you buy?

Answers- Front cover, Articles, Reviews, Double Page Spreads, Photos, Free Posters, Other (please specify)



7. What would say is a reasonable price for a music magazine?

Answers - 0-£1, £1.01-£2, £2.01-£3, £3.01-£4, £4.01-£5, £5.01+



8. What age group do you come under?

Answers - 0-12, 13-17, 18-21, 22-30, 31-50, 51+



9. How often do you go to concerts?

Answers - A few times a month, Once a month, Once every few months, Once a year, Less than once a year, Never



10. Who are your three favourite artists at the moment?

My Findings


After seeing my results, I had gathered an insight into what artists my target audience were interested in, and how much of an influence music has on their lives. My findings told me that I wouldn't be able to please all of my target audience with my magazine, as there are different things that different people who completed my questionnaire like.



For the first question, out of the 10 people that completed my questionnaire, the mean score for how often they listened to music was 7.3, which indicates to me that my target audience listens to music fairly frequently, and tells me that they want to read about things such as lyrics and songs and artists, rather than reading about events that may have happened in the world of music recently. I will ensure that there are a decent amount of reviews of songs and artists in my magazine so that I can appeal to my target audience.



For the second question, 6 out of the 10 people said Pop was their favourite genre of music, 2 people said Rock, 1 person said Alternative, and 1 person said R&B. This tells to me that my magazine should be based around pop music, as the majority of the people who completed my questionnaire like pop music the best.



For the third question, 5 people said they listened to music for 6-8 hours a week, 3 people said 4-6, 1 person said 8-10, and 1 person said 10+. This helps me to gauge an understanding of my target audience, as now I know that they are avid music listeners who probably have their earphones on hand at all times, like myself, and listen to music whenever they feel like it. In my results there was one person who selected the "10+ hours" option, which tells me they are a bit of a hardcore music fan.



For the fourth question, 4 people said they buy music magazine more than once a week, 2 people said once a week, 2 people said once a month, 1 person said every few months, and 1 person said once a year. This gives me reason to make my magazine weekly, as my target audience buy music magazines fairly often, so by making my magazine weekly, they should be more inclined to buy my magazine.



For the fifth question, 5 people said the music magazine they're most likely to buy is "Q", 1 person said "Kerrang", 1 person said "NME", 1 person said "Billboard", 1 person said "Rolling Stone", and 1 said other with the magazine they chose being "Uncut". This has helped me to get an idea of what type of music magazines my target audience like for the most part. Although there are some varied responses, the most chose option was "Q" which tells me that my target audience like sophisticated magazines, that are all about the music not the gossip.



For the sixth question, 5 people said their favourite part of music magazines are reviews, 4 people said articles, and 1 person said front covers. This tells me that my target audience like to read about artists and their music, rather than gossip within the music scene. So I will include many articles as well as reviews in my magazine so that my magazine can appeal to my target audience. This will also help my magazine to be of value for money to my target audience, as it will be filled with their favourite parts of a music magazine.



For the seventh question, 6 people said between £2.01-£3 is a reasonable price a music magazine, 2 people said £1.01-£2,1 person said £3.01-£4, and 1person said £4.01-£5. This tells me that my target audience aren't from an upper class background, but more of a working to middle class background. These findings also suggest that they don't want to spend too much money on a music magazine, which is why I have decided to pricemy magazine at around £2-£3 to look appealing to my taregt audience. Also, because my magazine will be weekly, £2-£3 is a suitabe price, and will be a competitive price on the current market.



For the eighth question, 7 people said that the age group they come under is 13-17, 2 people said 18-21, and 1 person said 22-30. This helps me to realise that my target audience are young people who are passioante about music. What this also means, is that my target audience won't have a lot of money to their name as the majority will still be in education or starting off at work. This further supports the decision I made after analysing my findings in the previous question.



For the ninth question, 4 people said they go to concerts once a month, 4 people said once every few months, and 2 people said once a year. This gives me a strong indication again, that my target audience are passionate about music. It also gives me reason to have articles in my magazine that will be based on tours and live shows, that artists features in my magazine have been on or are currently on.



For the tenth and final question, there were varied responses to who are my target audiences favourite three artists. However, the main artists that were mentioned are as followed, Ed Sheeran, Rihanna, Beyonce, Drake and Adele. These findings tell me a lot about my target audience, as they are heavily into the pop genre of music. This also gives me an idea of what articles to include in my magazine, so that my music magazine can be as attractive as possible to my target audience, as well as other potential buyers.



© 2015 Chris Briant AS Media Studies

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